However long it took for me to come up with nothing is how long we both sat in (amazing) silence.
Then we both began to hear yelling. A lot of yelling. Couldn't make out the words. Just a whole lot of yelling.
Uh-oh. Bad feeling.
Stomp, stomp, stomp. Someone was coming down the hall. Fairies are known for their light footsteps. Generally speaking, stomping is not how we perambulate. Again, bad feeling.
Arms folded, trying very hard to look mad instead of devastatingly handsome, Domain Master glared at me through the bars of my cell.
Yep, bad feeling confirmed.
Trying without success to ignore the amazing sapphire blue color of his incredibly well-sculpted wings and matching blue eyes, I decided to speak.
"So, Domain, long time no see. How's it going?" This would be my attempt at distraction. Think it'll work?
"Mary Elizabeth. What. Were. You. Thinking?" This is him trying to be mad at me. Succeeding, too.
"Well, who else was going to come and get Joseph's sorry pointed you-know-what out of jail?"
"Mary Elizabeth. You know you could have come to me. I would have taken care of this. You have now created a Problem." His serious tone was lost on me as I couldn't stop myself from staring at those incredible sapphire blue eyes.
"Oh, please. They were just kissing. They're kids. It's harmless. For bee's sakes, His Royal High and Mighty didn't have to get his feathers all ruffled."
"If by he, you mean the Dark Omnipotence, you should never speak of him so casually. Especially when you are in his house.
That man was one good looking hunk of fairy. Why did I leave him again?
"Sorry." I am humbled by his gorgeousness.
"Hi, Domain Master!" Joseph was practically jumping up and down, his wings fluttering uncontrollably. "Thank you for coming and getting me out. I'm real sorry about all the fuss." Butter wouldn't have melted in that boys mouth.
"You're sorry you got caught is all, Joseph. You and I will be having a serious discussion later." The blue eyes focused on Joseph. The intensity of their gaze causing Joseph to close his wings and quiet down immediately.
His statement implying, that, of course, a woman couldn't have this talk with Joseph and be successful. Eye roll and sigh. Again.
"That's enough, Mary Elizabeth. It's that attitude of yours that got you into this mess." Domain Master's attention immediately came back to me.
"Well, I am assuming you are here to get me out of this mess, so let's get this show on the road. My wings are getting stiff already." I flexed them, in all their pink gloriousness, just to show off a bit.
His turn to eye roll and sigh.
"Unfortunately, Mary Elizabeth, I was only able to secure Joseph's release. The Dark Omnipotence is not ready to discuss your fate yet."
Okay, my turn to panic.
"What do you mean? Are you just going leave me here? You would actually fly home and leave me here?" My voice was definitely taking on that shrill tone he so loved.
Looking completely defeated, almost hanging his head, the still devastatingly handsome Domain Master actually apologized.
"I tried, Mary Elizabeth. I really did. Dark Omnipotence is truly angered by your disrespect."
Disrespect my little pink behind. Dark Omnipotence is carrying over a high school grudge. Wonder what Domain Master would say if he knew I turned down Dark Omnipotence for him. Probably fluff his feathers and inflate that already over inflated ego.
Best to let that go.
My turn to look defeated. My feathers drooped and my pretty pink complexion actually got two shades lighter just thinking about having to spend the night in this place.
"You could try just apologizing, Mary Elizabeth. Tell him your fairy charms are due for a charge and you lost your sense for a minute." He actually thought this was a possibility. After being married to me for how long?
"Are you out of your little blue mind? I'm not apologizing to that egocentric fairy." No matter how seductive that violet complexion of his is.
"What do you want me to do, Mary Elizabeth? You are the most frustrating fairy woman I have ever know."
"I was the only fairy woman you ever knew until Clarabelle blinked her little tail at you." I hated Clarabelle.
"Nothing happened. How many times do I have to tell you? You are the only fairy woman I have ever loved. She meant nothing to me."
He had his desperate face on. Is it working on me? I think not.
"Didn't look like nothing when I saw you out by the bluebell flowers. Looked like something to me."
"I give up. I just give up, Mary Elizabeth. Clarabelle is a flirt. She blinks her tail light at every man in the meadow. You know that. I refuse to apologize any more."
"Fine, whatever." Says me with the folded arms and broken heart.
"Excuse me, Domain Master. Did you say I was free to go?"
"Yes, Joseph, Gnome will be down here to release you shortly." Domain Master's eyes were looking at me with sorrow.
I hated pity. He knew that. Folding my arms, I turned around and faced the back of my cell. Opened and closed my wings sharply. Just for effect, you know.
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